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ni18n is Super Fast Nim Macros For Internationalization and Localization.

It generates functions for each translation name at compile time. So, there's no runtime translation lookup like HashMap.


import src/ni18n

    Locale = enum

i18nInit Locale, true:
        English = "Hello, $name!"
        Chinese = "你好, $name!"
        English = "I've cats"
        Chinese = "我有猫"
            English = proc(count: int): string =
                case count
                of 0: "I don't have a cat"
                of 1: "I have one cat"
                else: "I have " & $count & " cats"
            Chinese = proc(count: int): string =
                proc translateCount(count: int): string =
                    case count
                    of 2: "二"
                    of 3: "三"
                    of 4: "四"
                    of 5: "五"
                    else: $count

                return case count
                    of 0: "我没有猫"
                    of 1: "我有一只猫"
                    else: "我有" & translateCount(count) & "只猫"

# prints "你好, 黄小姐!". This function behave the same as `strutils.format`
echo hello(Chinese, "name", "黄小姐")

# prints 我有猫
echo ihaveCat(Chinese)

# prints 我有五只猫
echo ihaveCat_withCount(Chinese, 5)

# or like this ( because Nim compiler is smart! )
echo ihaveCatWithCount(Chinese, 5)

Notes For `ni18n` DSL

DSL has top-level translation definitions and sub-translation definitions. Each translation definition can have multiple sub-translation definitions.

root                 = seq[topLevelTranslation] ;
topLevelTranslation  = nameIdent ":" seq[translationPair] ;
translationPair      = localeIdent "=" translation
                     | nameIdent ":" seq[translationPair] ;
translation          = nnkStrLit | nnkLambda ;

  • Translation must exists for all possible locales.
  • nnkLambda must have the same signature for all locales.

Behind the Scene

Imagine u write this code:

    Locale = enum

i18nInit Locale, true:
        English = "Hello, $name!"
        Chinese = "你好, $name!"

Magic macro will convert that code into this:

    Locale = enum

proc hello_English(args: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
    format("Hello, $name!", args)

proc hello_Chinese(args: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
    format("你好, $name!", args)

proc hello*(locale: Locale, args: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
    case locale
    of English: hello_English(args)
    of Chinese: hello_Chinese(args)

So, we have just locale runtime check, but since that's enum, we're still going fast!

See also


macro i18nInit(enumT: typedesc; shouldExportLookup: static bool;
               translationPairs: untyped): untyped
compile translations DSL into locale specific procedures and lookup procedures
  • enumT is the enum that contains all available locales
  • shouldExportLookup is a boolean that indicates whether to export lookup functions
  • translationPairs is a list of translation pairs

In most cases, shouldExportLookup should be set to true because u want to write translations in a separate file and import generated lookup functions from other modules.

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